Session 2 Downloads added
Assignment 2 is out. Try it out and Submit your solutions! Assignment 2
Session 1 Downloads added (Scroll Down to View)
Welcome to Python Code Camp.
This website is for sharing all the materials discussed in weekly sessions based on Python programming language at USICT, Dwarka, New Delhi. All the presentations, assignments and code will be kept in various repositories in PythonOn. PythonOn is a month long series of tutorials to be taught in sessions and a code sprint which will be organised after a month when sessions are complete. During the code sprint the students will have to create a working software with what they've learnt about Python. Okay that's about it.
Dude this is going to be kick ass. 😄😉
A bit about Study Materials
We’ve crafted some presentations using Reveal.js which we'll be uploading here.
All the codes be uploaded in a separate repository under PythonOn.
We will upload assignments in a separate repository, you just have to fork it, do your tasks in assignments and send us a pull request for assessment.
Conversations - WhatsApp Group
The conversations take place on WhatsApp. Join by pinging on +918860430933